Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Week 6 Life Drawing & Movement

Drawing Quick poses and movement can be very challenging when you are new to it.
In todays exercises you will have to draw quickly and with economy of line, because your subject will be constantly moving. Quick gestural marks will help you capture the essence of what you are drawing. Here are some examples of speed sketching movement...

Warm up Sketches Standing and sitting poses:
5 minutes
4 minutes
3 minutes
2 minutes
1 minute
30 seconds
15 seconds

Cycling Poses:
4 poses model will constantly move between poses.
Work on the 4 poses simultaneous. You may only have to time to draw a single line each cycle. Trust your instincts and find you own way in to this challenging task. Over the course of the exercise your quick marks will build into a series of images

Repeated Movements: Key poses and In-betweens.
Model moves between 3 distinct points and performs a different repeated action in each place.
Start to  draw the 3 main actions. Then using another medium/colour document the in-between poses (walking).


Part 2 Extended Drawing Exercises.
Students can revisit any approach from last 2 semesters, such as . . .
  1. Close up work (hands, feet or/and head)
  2. Textured Collage technique (describing surface texture and form with textured cutouts – as used with Mel and the animals) 
  3. Describing Three Dimensional Form with light/dark shadow and shading.
  4. Using light and dark to express atmosphere – work into a charcoal medium toned base.
  5. Tableau – drawing the student group within the room
  6. Taking a line for a walk – draw the life drawing studio, model, students, piping, window, doors etc, with a continuous line, work over several sheets of paper perhaps.
  7. Proportion
  8. Foreshortening
  9. Colour work, wet and dry medium – working with dark, medium and light colours to describe form. The colour approach could be applied to may of the previous exercises, I.e they don’t have to be black & white. 
  10. Students could work collaboratively, start a drawing, then swap places , continue to swap, until drawings completed, exercise in observation, altering drawing.  
...Before you begin drawing, set an intention for each image.


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