Monday, 10 October 2016

Week 3 Life Drawing session 2 : Propotion

Proportion is getting the sizes of objects correct in relation to other objects in a composition. When you're dealing with Perspective you will also deal with Proportion. Since proportion is getting the sizes of objects correct, when you're creating a drawing that shows Perspective, you must get the sizes of the objects correct as the objects recede further away from view to properly illustrate Perspective.

If you are drawing from life and want to make your drawing "look like" what it is you're drawing, you'll need to get the proportions right. Here, measuring is vital. You must measure the size of one object in relation to another in your real-life subject, then compare the sizes of the two objects in your drawing. Measuring negative spaces against the real-life subject and the drawing also need to be done in order to get the proper proportion in a drawing.

In these measuring exercises, you will be able to keep the model in proportion because you will be measuring both shapes and negative spaces.


Class Exercises

We will start with some simple standing postures to get in the habit of drawing the figure in proportion. Firstly from the front and then from the back. Attention should be paid to arms and hands, and, legs and feet. Spend time looking at the model and paying attention to the way different body parts relate to each other.

Planning and Proportions
·       Map out the model on your paper. This is an exercise in Planning Your Drawing, not about creating a finished drawing.
·       Pay attention to your composition (how the drawing fits on your page). If necessary, sketch a little thumbnail in the corner of your page to plan the composition.
·       Work on the entire figure as a whole, constantly cross checking each mark that indicates a body part against other marks/body parts.
·       Resist the temptation to start with the head and work you way down!
·       When you find mistakes, i.e. poor composition (drawing is too small or too big for the page), wonky proportions (massive head, teeny tiny legs) – correct them!
·       Leave your mistakes on the page.
·       Remember this is not about a finished drawing!! These exercises are about identifying mistakes in proportion and composition and then correcting them!

(4 x 30 minute drawings).

Finished Drawing
·       Using your new skills in planning and proportions create a finished drawing in a medium of your choosing.
·       Plan your drawing as above.
·       Don’t commit to finessing your drawing until you’re happy with the composition and proportions.
·       Work on the figure as a whole rather than finishing one part and then moving on.

(1 x 60 minute drawing)


Next Week

We will be looking at Foreshortening…

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