Monday, 26 September 2016

Week 1 Homework Part 2: Self Portrait

Self Portrait

Purpose of the exercise:

Making this portrait early on in the module will provide a valuable record of your drawing skills at the start of the course. This record of your current drawing skills will enable you to assess and appreciate how your confidence and skills improve at a later date.


Sit about an arms length from a suitable mirror. Draw your self portrait to the best of your ability using any medium you like i.e. pencil, charcoal, pen and ink. When you have finished date and sign your work. Spend at least an hour on this exercise, more if needed.

Post-exercise remarks:

People can be highly critical of their drawing skills and their perceptions of what constitutes good drawing, especially when making self portraits. However if you look closely at your work, more than likely there will be areas of the drawing and marks you have made that you find surprising and satisfying. If you find yourself being highly critical of the quality of your work, be patient. Drawing is not an inherent skill. It can be taught and it can be learned.

Remember to date and sign your work.

Upload your Self Portrait to your blog/online portfolio along with you work from todays class. Making sure it is clearly visible, in focus and oriented the right way round!

Week1 Homework Part 1: Create a Blog/Online Portfolio for this module.

Student Blog / Online Portfolio
As part of your homework this week you will be expected to create a blog or online portfolio (using Google Blogger please!) specifically for this module. Next week we will add all the student blog links on to the Module Blog page. So remember to bring your blog link to next weeks class. You will be able to see what your peers are doing in your class and in the other occurrences.

Each week on your blog you will be expected to upload your class work and homework exercises and write a reflective paragraph and add it too the blog each week.

Don't simply write descriptively, write reflectively. Write about your feelings, anxieties, errors and weaknesses, as well as strengths and successes and how you expect to progress in the future. You can find another guide to reflective writing here.
Making regular written posts along with uploading you images which will make your written task for assessment much easier!

Uploading Work
Scan the images or use your camera phone or digital camera if easier. Make sure the images are in focus and are at a high enough resolution and there is enough light to see your drawings clearly. Also make sure that the images are oriented correctly on blog.You will get the best results if you use natural light and the drawings are laid flat on a wall, floor or table.

Welcome to Anim1003


This blog is going to be used as a communication tool and a learning resource for the ANIM1003 module. Your projects, activities and reminders of deadlines will be posted here, so please enter your email address in order to receive notifications. 

You will see a list of websites on the right of the page. Please take the time to look at them, as they will help introduce you to the vast subject of drawing within Animation and Illustration. I will be adding to this list throughout the year and would like you to contribute so if you find an interesting website about drawing, tell me about it (leave a comment on here or email me) and I will put it on the blog.

Looking at unfamiliar artists and understanding their process and rationale for drawing in a particular manner is an essential skill. You will be expected to explore drawing both in theory and through practical activities, so you must approach this module with an open mind and be prepared to experience new artwork and new ways of creating imagery.

Your first session will be at the Garage Studio and you are required to bring the following:

A pad of A2 paper 

Graphite pencils/sticks
Pencil sharpener

You can buy all this at PSW art supplies on Foregate Street, near the train is a very good art shop!